
I'm Cristina Zlatov

A Junior Frontend Developer looking to build projects and endlessly learn about the fascinating software development world.


Born abroad and had an eventuful childhood given the many times my family had to move in different parts of the world.

This brought me to mature a naturally adaptable mindset open to changes. As well as beinging fascinated by everything that is out of my day to day life and comfort zone.

little girl riding a dragon in crayon like style


Adaptability, creativity and being always ready for anything that falls into my path. During the early stages of my life and my carrier, I've come the realization that the things that made me feel the most excited where initially out of my comfort zone and ready to be discovered. Once unveiled, they've become the thigs that brought me most fulfilment and greatfulness.

Taking the most out and embracing those things that initially seem too difficilt and completely out of my scope is what made me who I am.

girl sitting on a rainbow in crayon like style

Soft Skills

Character and personality traits that let me effectively interact with other people and succed at my job.

Lifelong learner

Hard Skills

Abilities that let me tackle job-specific duties and responsibilities.

CSS & Sass
Language skills

Past Experiences

Early Web3 Adopter, Community Manager (2020-2021)

Given my already existing passion for all things Web3 and starting from a simple community member, I succeded at becoming a Community Manager for established Web3 projects on both Ethereum and Solana blockchains. This experience taught me numerous uself lessons and especially how these projects work behind the scences and how they should be managed.

Web3 Project Lead Manager (2022)

With the experience I've gained in the past years in Web3, I've managed to become a Project Lead Manager for a project the in pre-mint phase. After months of hard work and under my supervision we managed to sell out and generate more than 1 million dollars in volume globally.